Marco's beautiful dacha outside of Moscow
With spring now in the air, I am trying to imagine what Marco's dacha must look like outside of Moscow. In my imagination his dacha looks something like this (in the video above). Marco is a very hard working man and so I just hope he and his wife have a nice place to go to on the weekends.
And I hope he also invites Vitaly and Maxim to join him sometimes at the dacha, because they are very hard working people too.
And if you think this is too much dacha for Marco and his family and friends, just remember for a minute how hard they all work there at FundCount headquarters to provide us with the great support we've all gotten used to. The FundCount people start work at 11am local time. Then they work straight for 14 hours all the way until 1 o'clock in the morning next day. And remember, these people have families back at home. And so if you think this is too much dacha, just think again.
In truth, Marco probably doesn't have a dacha. ..But maybe someday he will! After all that hard work, heck, he deserves a dacha.
More on dacha's here: